
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tessuti Alice

I made this top in June, but by the end of July I had given up looking for a spare minute to document the project, then edit the photos. Why pursue this indoor hobby, when there are so many better things going on outside? No, by August I had released my mind from the burden of trying to keep a civilized schedule and thrown myself to the mercy of the moment. By the time I had reached a state of complete mommy zen, and had no idea what day of the week it was (or where to find our dental forms and school shoes), I realized September had crept up on me completely undetected. I still have a few things to cross off my summer to-do list, this top is one of them. For the sake of closure, and to retain some relevance, Im forcing myself to blog about this bugger as a mental exercise intended to direct my brain back toward our normal routine, which incidentally starts on Tuesday. (I know its later than most of you, but please feel sorry for me just the same, and I promise to envy you when its late June and were still in school.)
PATTERN: Alice Top by Tessuti Fabrics. The pattern, instructions, and construction leave a bit to be desired. In an age of easy information, and patterns that hold your hand from pdf assembly, to how to clip the seams, this pattern seems a bit vague. What could be simple construction is muddled by the use of seam stabilizer. It may be beneficial in a few instances of especially delicate fabric (comments in defense of seam stabilizer will be graciously accepted), but serves only to confuse in this case.

The yokes and sleeves are all faced, making it possible to fully enclose all of the yoke seams. This is an opportunity totally missed by instructions that leave those seams exposed. Ive seen a few people have altered their construction for the cleaner finish, but I didnt bother. I am much too lazy to enclose those seams, but Id really like the designer to expect if of me, giving me the opportunity to totally let them down.

Im not saying any of this to be negative, only to inform. With these small flaws, this is still well worth your effort, and has a lot of potential for showcasing bold, or even sheer fabrics to their best advantage.
I can safely say I would make this pattern again, because I already have. I borrowed my sweet sisters car for a few days and I made her an Alice exactly like mine (but with a different scrap for the tag, and a different size) to return the favor. It must be a good deal when we both feel like were getting the better end of the bargain.

FABRIC: This is cotton shirting from Joann. The look is inspired by (or brazen knock off of) one from the Tessuti blog, which is likely made with linen. I like the simple turning of the stripe, but linen is definitely a more appropriate choice for this design. The shirting is a bit rigid for the drapey style.

FIT: As recommended by several other sewists, I sized down for both tops, and would recommend you do the same.
Pattern: Alice Top from Tessuti Fabrics
Pants: Old Navy last season.
Boots: Sole Society snagged after Celina (love her style) brought them to my attention via Pinterest
Recently Painted Barn Door & Crisply Mowed Lawn: One of a Kind.


  1. This is really pretty, I always love some directional stripe play. I had a similarly disappointing issue with Tessuti patterns - lots of call for some sort of Vilene product that I'd never heard of, and the PDF was an atrocious waste of paper as the sizes weren't nested. And the ease was far too great! It's made m not want to buy their patterns again.

    1. Totally agree Katie! I also prefer a more streamlined sewing process. It's interesting to see that the way the pattern is put together, not just the design of the garment, influences what people make. I would make this again (and again!), but I wish the design of the pdf was as well considered as the actual top.

  2. This is very sweet on you! I've only made a couple of tessuti patterns, my beloved Mandy tee and the Suzi pants but have the jak shirt on my list.... I think their methods are often rather rtw in construction techniques.... But not having made many of their patterns I'm probably generalising!

    1. Interesting observation about the rtw techniques, I hadn't thought of it that way. I LOVE the Tessuti designs, and styling. I wasn't thrilled about the construction, but would still try more of their patterns. The Sydney Jacket is on my list for fall!
