
Saturday, March 12, 2016

5 More : Beautiful Sewing Tools

A few weeks ago I patiently picked the serger seam out of an old Linden Sweatshirt. If I'm gonna go to that kind of trouble, I need the moral support of instagram sewists. When I posted the photo all I could think was, "Boy, that seam ripper is ugly." In an age of japanese double gauze, imported linen, and Liberty prints, there is no reason to own an ugly tool. I went on a coffee fueled internet quest to find a pretty seam ripper. To make the time spent down that internet rabbit hole worth it, here's what else I found.

Wood or Horn Seam Ripper - Let's start with my new toy. Those fussy little plastic seam rippers are for the birds, I break half dozen a year, and yet I keep buying them. No more! This beautiful seam ripper with hand turned wooden handle from Aspin Wilkey on Etsy is wonderfully sturdy and sized to fit your hand. The sharp end flips for storage, and is replaceable! I got the one shown above (similar) in silver to match my scissors, but now I'm thinking I should just get some gold tone scissors to match the beautiful antler seam ripper I found on Etsy made by Eric Helland Creations!

Measuring Tape - There are few real substitutes for the functionality of the standard plastic measuring tape. When I'm measuring anything that isn't a body, I like to use something a little nicer. I found this lovely vintage inspired tape from MacKenzie-Childs of all places. We have evidently missed the golden age of measuring because there are plenty of flat lay photo worthy measuring tapes on eBay. When sewing was a more common domestic pursuit measuring tapes were hidden in everything from piggies to sea shells. I'm afraid I feel a new vintage collection obsession coming on!

Scissors - Scissors are probably the easiest place to begin upgrading your sewing tools. Last year I ditched my plastic handled Fiskars for a beautiful pair of Ginghers, and it has transformed the experience of cutting fabric. Whether you're snipping a few threads (do that with Stork Scissors from Loop Yarn please!) or cutting out a wedding gown ( very fittingly done with White Handled Wendy Ward Scissors). Even the formidable Ernest Wright and Sons offers shears in 9 colors for big projects, or get some industrial chic Kuroha thread Snips to keep by the sewing machine.

Thimble - Lots of thimble chatter on the inter webs these days. There are so many gorgeous vintage thimbles rattling around out there it seems a shame to buy a plain new one. Once you've chosen between art deco and victorian thimbles, this adorable thimble case from Thread Theory is a no brainer.

Glass head pins. I don't own glass headed pins. I also don't own a single pin that isn't flat on one side from the iron. Leave it to Merchant and Mills to offer the simple workhorse of glass headed pins, but if you're looking for something more decorative there are plenty of options out there with hearts, stars, or flowers are more your thing.

I'm still in hot pursuit of an attractive measuring gauge but my wish list is getting long. What would you add?

More pretty tool suggestions on Pinterest.


What's up with 5 More? 
I suspect that if I'm up into the wee hours of the night searching for a certain style of knitting or sewing pattern, others are probably shopping for it, too. With the 5 More series I try to sift through the mountains of patterns, and possibilities in search of 5 safe bets, for good results. 


  1. Not only is that seam ripper lovely (as it should be if it stays out in full view as mine does :) ) but it also looks much more comfortable to hold-- nice find! I love my Ginghers- there is something so wonderful about the sound they make going through fabric. Thanks for sharing some great finds!

    1. I also love the sound of sharp scissors. Though I once cut myself on the bigger ones when I picked them up by the blade, they were even closed! Lesson learned.

  2. Beautiful tools! I am really due for a new pair of sewing shears ... this is tempting. As far as other gear - pretty pincushions and pattern weights (I just use whatever crap I have lying around; button jars, my box of tailor's chalk, my paper scissors, my phone)? A pretty organs press cloth with a decorative hanging loop?

    1. Great suggestions Masha. I never thought of pattern weights, I bet there are some good ones around. Actually, pin cushion is on my to-make list. I use the standard red tomato one. It's ugly but my husband gave it to me when we first started dating, so I still hang onto it.

  3. That seam ripper is gorgeous! I've got a bit of a thing for scissors and collect pretty/unusual/novelty ones. I really want the oil-slick-coloured Tula Pink ones next along with some Ernest Wrights. My other favourite 'pretty' piece of gear is my cutting mats - I've got pastel yellow and pink/purple ones. Definitely make me feel better about cutting out than the usual drab green ones!

    1. I didn't even know you could buy a cutting mat that wasn't green! Gotta get myself one of them. I just saw the Tula Pinks on the make_something instagram feed. So pretty and mysterious!

  4. Gosh I'm always losing my seam ripper - that bad boy would be hard to lose!

    1. Ha! It is, you could even paint it hot pink just to be sure it never goes unnoticed! :)
