Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Kid's Seed Stitch Cowl

Don't let my knitting silence fool you, I knit my way through this season of House of Cards in one week, I'm just a little behind with photos. I've been testing proportions for a kids seed stitch cowl. The one above was intended for adults, but I love the size for a kid, too. 
Aqua and Navy are in the shop. Pink to follow shortly. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really am drooling over your knitting patterns, I need to cast one of them on soon. Lovely. I knit my way through that series too - could you believe it? So creepy!! But now what to watch? Suggestions?

    1. I wish I knew what to watch next. I've been watching a bit of the early seasons of Cheers (seriously), just to cleanse the evil out of my mind from House of Cards.

  3. I knitted my way through 4 seasons of Battlestar Galactica this winter, but nothing as cute as sweetkm!

    1. Come on Mary, your tasseled prayer scarf was awesome.
